Thursday, December 31, 2009

C'est toujours intimidant la première fois

Même s'il nous arrive, souvent ou occasionnellement, de décrocher du rêve, je crois que la plupart des filles ont le désir inné de rencontrer le prince charmant.

Les premiers amours de ma vie ont été des chanteurs. J'étais enfant. La beauté de leurs visages et le rhytme entraînant de leurs mélodies me suffisaient. Avec le temps, on découvre qu'on a besoin de beaucoup plus pour le contentement! Et on comprend que le prince charmant n'est pas nécessairement l'Homme de notre vie.

Je faisais un voyage à l'étranger et j'avais 14 ans quand j'ai croisé mon Prince Charmant. À la première rencontre, c'est ce que j'étais: charmée. Pas amoureuse, un peu fascinée, mais complètement enivrée par son charme. Son regard enjoué, sa façon animée de parler, ses mimiques, son accent, sa manière de m'aborder, tout à fait... charmant!

Je l'ai revu à une fête qui se déroulait à la maison où j'habitais. Très cultivé, ses connaissances générales semblaient inépuisables. Il faut dire qu'il était âgé de presque 4 ans de plus que moi. Il était fascinant! Le teint basané, des yeux d'enfant illuminés, des lèvres pulpeuses et qui paraissaient douces à souhait, un popotin rebondi qui avait tôt fait d'attirer mon attention! Il citait Shakespeare et chantait Yves Montand. Son rire était contagieux, franc et mon âme... sous le charme. Total et complet.

Quelques jours plus tard, j'ai passé la journée avec lui à visiter le centre-ville, à découvrir les oeuvres d'art au musée historique et les histoires qui s'y rattachaient. À la tombée du jour, il m'a amenée prendre un café dans un endroit magnifique: des boiseries, un plafond tout en vitrail, des meubles antiques et des miroirs de presque deux étages de hauts (Confeitaria Colombo). Ce soir là, il m'a conduite à la maison, sous la lumière de la pleine lune. Du haut de ses 18 ans, il devait lire dans le bleu de mes yeux que la rêveuse en moi avait succombé. D'indifférente, j'étais devenue ensorcellée. Il m'a serrée contre lui et j'espérais sceller cette soirée d'un magnifique et long baiser. Comme dans les romans d'amour et les contes dans lesquels vivent les princes charmants! Il a souri, posé un baiser des plus tendres sur mon front et m'a murmuré: "Dors avec les anges". La galanterie de ce parfait gentleman me disait que je tombais pour le Prince Charmant.

Des années plus tard, je demeure persuadée que l'Homme de ma vie, comme mon Prince Charmant, ne m'embrassera pas le premier soir. Et il enflammera mon âme et mon coeur avant même mon corps.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tounes de Christmas - Part Deux


Mise à jour: je devais rédiger la version française au cours de la semaine du 14 décembre et, idéalement, publier ma sélection musicale de Noël... avant Noël. Par contre, le décès de ma grand-maman, le 15 décembre, a tout chamboulé. Le texte de la version française est donc abrégé puisque la situation a changé. Et voici ma sélection musicale, avec un peu de retard.

Pour la première fois cette année, je ne me sens pas du tout dans l'ambiance des Fêtes. Même avant le décès de ma grand-mère, je n'avais tout simplement pas le goût. J'ai délibérément choisi de ne pas monter mon sapin cette année - activité que j'adore habituellement. Cette fois, ça me paraissait juste trop de trouble. Ça donne quoi d'avoir un sapin dans le salon si on passe Noël à l'hôpital? Je commence habituellement ma recherche de recettes à la fin novembre, je fais et congèle quelques trucs... cette année, pas de partys = pas de recettes. Bref, aucune envie par rapport à tout ce qui entoure les Fêtes.

Rien ne me mettait dans l'esprit des Fêtes. Même pas (surtout pas?) l'idée de magasiner et de trouver des cadeaux. L'inspiration n'était pas au rendez-vous. Par contre, il n'en demeure pas moins que j'ADORE la musique. Je craque au son d'une voix riche. J'aime découvrir les nouveautés, les nouveaux sons, nouveaux artistes en plus de me rejouer mes favoris. Au fil des années, j'ai accumulé plusieurs chansons de Noël et du temps des Fêtes. Tard cet automne, j'avais mentionné à quelques personnes l'idée d'écrire un blog sur mes tounes de Noël favorites et ça a piqué la curiosité de certaines personnes. Voici donc ma sélection musicale du temps des Fêtes!

Dans la mesure du possible, j'ai mis des liens à YouTube lorsque la musique s'offrait en vidéo sur ce site. Parfois la qualité musicale des extraits est douteuse et d'autres fois les vidéos sont carrément nuls, mais bon, vous comprenez que mon blog ne fait pas l'éloge des monteurs vidéo, mais bien l'énumération de mes beats de Noël favoris! Une multitude d'artistes ont chanté et rechanté trois million et demi de versions différentes de ces chansons. Par contre, celles-ci sont bien souvent mes favorites. J'espère que je vous permettrai de découvrir au moins une chanson qui vous érait inconnue ou, du moins, vous permettra de vous rappeler une toune que vous aviez oubliée! L'ordre des chansons ne veut absolument rien dire.

Bonne écoute et... un joyeux temps des Fêtes!

Miss IPP

-Baby It's Cold Outside - Harry Connick Jr. and Lee Ann Womack (je trouve cette version tellement coquine!)
-Schubert's Ave Maria
-Santa Baby - Madonna
-Something about Christmas Time - Bryan Adams
-Amazing Grace - Mahalia Jackson (parce que mon père la faisait jouer à CHAQUE 24 décembre du temps ou j'habitais chez mes parents)
-Do They Know It's Christmas - Live Aid / Band Aid 1985 (Ah, mon premier grand amour, Boy George, qui brille dans cette chanson! Le BEAU Simon Le Bon! Et que dire de Bono avant les lunettes!)
-Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee (parce que ce n'est pas Noël sans elle)
-Blue Christmas - Elvis Presley (ma mère adore Le King - cette chanson me rappelle les moments passés à monter le sapin avec ma mère et ma soeur. Oooh la la. Le King était tellement un pétard!)
-Last Christmas - George Michael
-Adeste Fideles - n'importe quelle version en latin (j'ai étudié le latin pendant 2 ans au secondaire et bien que je trouve que ça ne m'a absolument servi à rien dans la vie, je peux encore chanter le premier couplet et le refrain par coeur!)
-O Holy Night - Mariah Carey (je déteste cette Diva même en peinture, mais sa voix dans cette version est sublime)

-The Mistletoe Jam - Luther Vandross
-The Chanukkah Song - Adam Sandler (bien que, si vous ne l'aviez pas déjà deviné, je ne suis pas juive)
-Do You Hear What I Hear - Vanessa Williams
-Reggae Christmas - Bryan Adams
-Hey Santa - Carnie and Wendy Wilson
-Please Come Home For Christmas - The Eagles (Ben oui; j'ai une fibre rock 'n roll en moi! Quelle merde : je ne suis pas parvenue à trouver la version des Eagles. Donc, une fois de plus, pour faire plaisir à ma soeur, voici une version faite par (haut-le-coeur) ... Bon Jovi.
-I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus John Cougar Mellencamp - on se fout qu'il ne soit plus Cougar.
-Santa Clause Is Back In Town - Jonny Lang (de grâce, ne faite qu'écouter la musique. La vidéo vous donnera la nausée)
-A New York City Christmas - Rob Thomas (Ah Rob... Tu peux mettre ton bas de Noël sur le manteau de ma cheminée. Oups... je n'ai pas de manteau de cheminée puisque je n'ai même pas de cheminée. Eh bien je devrai en construire une!)
-River - Sarah McLachlan
-Oh Happy Day - Sister Act 2 Soundtrack (Pas véritablement une toune de Noël, mais la qualité vocale de cette toune... Oh Happy Day!)

-23 décembre - Hugo Lapointe (Dee-Dee, je te vois jouer de la "air-cuiller" sur tes cuisses à chaque fois que je l'entends!)
-Fa la la la la - Bündock (vive les années '80 - en pensant, there is no way in hell que cette version est live!)
-Minuit Chrétien - Fernand Gignac ou Bruno Pelletier? Dilemme! Fernand pour les souvenirs de jeunesse - Bruno pour la Voix.
-Noël au bureau - Ginette Reno et les Grandes Gueules (c'est con, mais c'est drôle et tout le monde peut associer au moins un des scénarios à un de ses partys de bureau!)
-Sainte Nuit (gospel) - Johanne Blouin (I have a thang for gospel... this version shakes the mistletoes out of my tree)
-Noël Noël - Passe-Partout (Trop sweet! Quand Noël était invariablement magique... mais seulement à compter de la seconde 0:48)
-C'est nono Noël - Rock et Belles Oreilles
-J'ai vu petite maman embrasser le Père Noël - Michèle Richard (sans commentaires! mais la version de Marie-Hélène Thibert m'a fait flancher, finalement!)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tounes de Christmas!

LA VERSION FRANÇAISE suivra plus tard cette semaine!

Lately, I have been telling a few people that for the first time in ages, I am not in the festive Christmas mood. I decided I would not put up my Xmas tree (sheds a tear). My family and I will be spending the Holidays at the hospital, where my grandma now resides (sheds a million tears). Nobody feels like having a party (sheds another tear). I usually host Xmas dinner and these days, I have to force myself to cook so I can have dinner and lunches on weekdays.

For as long as I can remember, the women in my mom's family would go shopping the first Saturday of December to buy all the presents (all 'our' presents :o). In the last decade, I had joined them on the "International Shopping Day" : meeting at the mall for 7:30 to have breakfast, shop together, have lunch together and then shop some more until the stores close at 5 and then going out to dinner. This year, we didn't even discuss it. There was no question we were going shopping. My grandma can't leave the hospital.

Nothing feels like Christmas to me this year. On the other hand, I LOVE music. I am a sucker for a great voice. I truly enjoy discovering new beats, new artists and replaying over and over again my favorites. Over the years, I have accumulated many Xmas songs. Recently, I quickly mentioned writing a blog article about my faves and it seemed to be of interest for a few. So here it is! Whenever possible, I linked the songs to YouTube videos. Sometimes the quality is shaky, but hey... you get the idea.

Of course, a millions artists have performed all and any of the below-mentioned songs. But those are my favorite versions. I hope I will allow you to discover at least one "new to you" song or, perhaps, a forgotten tune you liked. The listing order means nothing.

Happy listening and... Happy Holidays!

Miss IPP

-Baby It's Cold Outside - Harry Connick Jr. and Lee Ann Womack
-Schubert's Ave Maria
-Santa Baby - Madonna
-Something about Christmas Time - Bryan Adams
-Amazing Grace - Mahalia Jackson (because my dad played it on EVERY Xmas Eve. And so this song is forever associated to my dad)
-Do They Know It's Christmas - Live Aid / Band Aid 1985 (My first Love, Boy George, just shines in it. I cannot resist this tune. Plus, BONUS, Bono before the glasses!)
-Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee (come on! It ain't Xmas without it!)
-Blue Christmas - Elvis Presley (my mom adores The King - this reminds me putting up the Xmas tree with my mum and sis. Oooh la la. The King was such eye candy!)
-Last Christmas - George Michael (SO, SO, SO relevant and good!)
-Adeste Fideles - any version in Latin (I studied Latin for 2 years in high school and I can still sing the entire first part!)
-O Holy Night - Mariah Carey (can't stand the Diva - love her voice in this)

-The Mistletoe Jam - Luther Vandross
-The Chanukkah Song - Adam Sandler (although, if you hadn't guessed, I am not Jewish).
-Do You Hear What I Hear - Vanessa Williams
-Reggae Christmas - Bryan Adams
-Hey Santa - Carnie and Wendy Wilson
-Please Come Home For Christmas - The Eagles (Yeah... I have a rock 'n roll string in me! POOPERS. I was not able to find the original by The Eagles. So, again, to please my sister... Here is the version by (gags)... Bon Jovi).
-I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (John Cougar Mellencamp - don't care if he's no longer Cougar)
-Santa Clause Is Back In Town - Jonny Lang (just listen to the song - the video on YouTube will make you dizzy)
-A New York City Christmas - Rob Thomas (Oh Rob... You can hang your Xmas stocking on my mantle. Wait... I don't have a mantle. I shall BUILD a mantle!)
-River - Sarah McLachlan
-Oh Happy Day - Sister Act 2 Soundtrack (Not truly a Christmas song. But the vocals in it... Oh Happy Day!)

-23 décembre - Hugo Lapointe (Dee-Dee, je te vois jouer de la "air-cuiller" sur tes cuisses à chaque fois que je l'entends!)
-Fa la la la la - Bündock (vive les années '80 - en pensant, there is no way in hell que cette version est live!)
-Minuit Chrétien - Fernand Gignac ou Bruno Pelletier? Dilemme! Fernand pour les souvenirs de jeunesse - Bruno pour la Voix.
-Noël au bureau - Ginette Reno et les Grandes Gueules (c'est con, mais c'est drôle et tout le monde peut associer au moins un des scénarios à un de ses partys de bureau!)
-Sainte Nuit (gospel) - Johanne Blouin (I have a thang for gospel... this version shakes the mistletoes out of my tree)
-Noël Noël - Passe-Partout (Trop sweet! Quand Noël était invariablement magique... mais seulement à compter de la seconde 0:48)
-C'est nono Noël - Rock et Belles Oreilles
-J'ai vu petite maman embrasser le Père Noël - Michèle Richard (sans commentaires! mais la version de Marie-Hélène Thibert m'a fait flancher, finalement!)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Crowd Pleaser

Boa noite, as crianças!

Tudo bom para voçes?

Eu me chamo Miss IPP. "A canadense"! Hehe. Eu não sou casada, mas tenho o namorado. Ele é engenheiro. Infelizmente, ele não gosta de minhas lindas: as dois gatinhas.

Escrever o texto é mais difficil! Como se diz « j’ai tout oublié » em português? Tantas coisas eu esqueço.

Muitos beijos. Eu vou dormir com os anjinhos :o)

Tia I.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Granny Update - Part 561

My grandmother is 85 and one half. Her name is Yolande. She is dying.

Over 15 months ago, i started sending my relatives, colleagues and friends an email I named "Granny Update". My mother's mom, who had always been healthy with the exception of diabetes, was hospitalized. Because her condition seemed to change from night to day within a few days and depending on the doctor who was treating her, I jokingly changed the number on my updates from 1 to 2 and then drastically to 42, 73 and 98. This is the Granny Update - Part 561.

This grandmother is, low and behold, the best of grandmothers. Think unconditional love, wrapped in generosity, layered with unequaled patience, dipped in sweetness, and sugar coated. And sugar she loves!

My first memories of her go as far back as when i was 3 years old. She would babysit me when my mother went back to work after having me (and until I was in grade 4). She would make the beds after everyone was out of the house. "If the beds are made and there are no dirty dishes in the sink - the house looks clean", she would say. I still make my bed first thing when I get up. I hate dirty dishes in my sink but that's another story. After that, she'd have her coffee. And whatever she did, i had to do. So at the tender age of 3, I started enjoying cafe latte!

I remember that the color was vaguely beige-ish. There was more milk and sugar than coffee. But i would have my coffee with her in the morning. In the afternoon, I would paint her face. Not literally, but I would put so much makeup on her face that it looked more like paint by numbers than makeup! She would sit there and be my model. For hours. If there was a song I particularly liked, she would play it for me over, and over, and over, and over again. And again. She never seemed to mind.

She took me to the local park and pool. She would not dare wear a bathing suit nor swim, but I remember seeing her dipping her legs in the water while I would play next to her. She loved it when I would play pedicurist! A very familiar scent which reminds me of my grandma is Noxema. OMG, the countless jars I put on her feet! She would never get tired of getting her feet and legs massaged and creamed. She would laugh and twist from my ticklish tiny fingers going between her toes. She didn't seem surprised when, nearly 18 years later, I became an esthetician. In the afternoon, she'd have tea. So would I.

I am told (I was too young to remember) that I had a bottle and pacifier at my grandmother's, even after my parents confiscated those at home. My mom tells me that I would never ask for them at home, as if I already knew that those where special "grandma treats". My mom only found out after dropping my older sister and I at my grandmother's one evening. She'd forgotten something and found us with a bottle in hand and pacifier in mouth. Oops! What we liked, my grandma would give.

For a few years already, we've known she had heart failure and a tendency to have water on her lungs. She was medicated for that. In addition, in the last year, she has been diagnosed with: myelodysplastic anemia, ovarian cancer, chronic water in and on her lungs and, lately, with a beginning of kidney failure due to all the meds meant to reduce the water on her lungs. She had a bypass last April and would also need a heart valve replacement. Her heart is now functioning at 20% when, at her age, it should average around 50%. She is so full of water that her kneecaps are double their usual size. Pressing against her skin leaves an instant print because the tissues are engorged with water (think sticking your thumb in Silly Putty). She is so terrified of choking and drowning in her own lung fluid that she no longer goes to bed. She sleeps sitting on a chair.

Medically, nothing can be done to save her. All that can be done is to keep her "comfortable" until her heart is too tired to beat once more. At least four times, we rushed her to the hospital to receive a blood transfusion (due to her myelodysplastic anemia) and the blood count was so low that we were told that "her heart should have stopped". Sometimes I think she's made out of steel. With a heart of gold. And spirits of concrete. This week-end, she was informed that she would never leave the hospital. She was living in her own apartment only 2 months ago and still making veggie soup for us at least once a week.

She is entirely and completely lucid. She understands every little thing that is going on. She thinks she will get better. I want to hold her and tell her that, although I wish it from the bottom of my heart, it will not happen. This time, she will not get better.

When I visit her in the hospital, she is coiffed, usually wearing earrings and makeup. In the afternoon on week-ends, we play cards (Tock!). On my lunch hours during the week, we just talk. She enjoys when I visit her; she loves it when I go at night for "the closing shift" (until 9 pm - when visits are over). That means that I wash her legs, her feet and massage them with cream. Of course, she is the only ederly woman on the floor with pedicured toes. "My granddaughter is an esthetician", she happily informs the nurses and aids complimenting her. Before I leave, I apply her eye contour cream and facial moisturizer. "I find I have under-eye bags when you don't put my eye cream", she tells me. She has me tweeze the few undesirable hairs that her chin has grown accustomed to in the last years. She is proud and wants to be at her best, always.

I love her. I love her to death.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

To blog or not to blog?

This is it. My first official blog posting. Ever. I have high expectations for myself, but I am mostly doing this because I promised friends I would have 250 pages written by December 31, 2009. We made that "bet" in September. Uh-oh. I'm late!!!

I have a few posting ideas in the back of my mind. The idea is to post at least three times weekly until December 31st. Now does that add up to 250 pages? I loooove writing mile-long emails to friends to update them on my life, to make them giggle. I have been doing it since I've had access to email (1998?). I figured sending an email to 5 or 10 of my friends at a time was much faster than calling each of them individually. (That sounds cold, doesn't it? It isn't. Keep reading.) Of course, there are things or stories which are only shared with certain friends, but any good friend/family member wants to know the basics: relationship status (single, brokenhearted, dating, shopping for a man, in a relationship, single and benefiting from Air Canada perks, etc.).; news on the family, health (I promise - the subject of at least one of my eventuals blogs), workload, etc.

I started writing those "news emails" mostly due to work. Almost 10 years ago now (ouch... that dates me!), I started traveling for work. Every night, I was in a different Canadian city. So I would write an email to my closest friends and family members to let them know what was going on, what happened. "The airline left my luggage on the ramp. For TWO hours. It was snowing. I got my luggage at 6 in the morning the day after I flew in and had to litteraly hand-squeeze the water out of my clothes. Which were IN my now soaked suitcase! Ingredient dictionary? In the recycling bin now because the water made it triple in size and it's no longer readable." I can still see myself, in my pjs', drying my work clothes with a hair dryer. Ah, the joys of life on the road!

Later on in life, I became lactose intolerant (note to self: another blog topic). (This paragraph is for my sister, who always gets a kick out of hearing this story). I had had no time to munch properly before taking a direct flight from Montreal to Saskatoon. The only thing they were serving on the plane that night was pizza. I had a bottle of Lactaid pills with me so I took 3 or 4 caplets (suggested dose is 1 or 2 - but I didn't want to take any chances - I already knew the symptoms of eating lactose). I figured... one slice of pizza can't be that bad, right? Ate the pizza. Wow... no bloating, no nausea... we happy. Later on that night in my room, I went to the little girl's room. As I am zipping up my pants (keep in mind that I am by my lonely self in a hotel room in Saskatoon), I let what I thought would be an innocent one pass (the joys of lactose intolerance). "Ah crap!". Precisely. That night, I sent an email out on the newfound techniques of washing jeans in a shower with shower gel and shampoo. The most difficult task was drying the crotch. My pants' crotch, that is.

After a few years in a great relationship that didn't work out in the end, I found myself single. In the words of Trina: "I'm single again, back on the prowl...". The dating scene is, you already know it, the source of many, many conversations! A certain someone seemed to pop in and out of my life repeatedly. Let's call him... BT. To this day, and I have known him for over a decade, he remains a mystery for almost everyone close to me. "Does he really exist, because we've never seen him!" We joke and call him my imaginary friend. Every time he would pop in or out of my life, he would be the subject of a news email. He was so mysterious, so difficult to understand. So I would write up an email and make my cousin (who knew him) crack up. Every once in while, my cousin would ask if I had news on BT. Of course I did.

So this blog will allow me to keep my friends and family updated on the latest news. It will also allow me to share memories. Upcoming blog topics? My grandma (already in the works), lactose intolerance, my health (whatever illness you never heard of - I've had it!), my oh-so-simple-love-life (because it's healthier to laugh about it once you're done crying about it), my love of rodents (wabbits, groundhogs and squirrels) and my travels - both work and leisure related. I have kept copies of certain emails and I will definitly bring them to life again. Until then... tchau miaow!

Pour ceux qui préfèrent me lire en fraçais ne désespérez pas! Certains articles seront bien entendu in French. Selon le sujet, je veux tenter de répondre aux besoins de mon lectorat (pouhahahaha!) et écrire dans la langue de la majorité. Vous savez que je préfère toujours faire ça à deux langues, non? ;o)